Midi Accordeon

The firm Decap was founded in 1902 in Antwerp in Belgium by Aloïs Decap and his son, Livien to design and produce organs. This factory developed into one of the most successful of its kind. At first they only repaired organs which they rented, but later, Firma Decap later began to build organs on order. Gradually the range of products grew. Over the years, these products included roll and book playing orchestrions, fair organs, street organs, dance organs, electronic organs, Robot organs and combination pipe and electronic organs. In the 1980’s computer control was introduced, as were accordion-playing figures; since 1989 52 key street organs have also been made.


The first MIDI computer-controlled organ was built in 1996. Mr. Tony Decap designed and built a midified accordeon which was used by Conlon in a performance in the Muziekgebouw aan het Ij in 2006. The accordeons are built commercially in Italy, Mr. Decap designed a pedestal in which he mounts the pneumatics and he controls the instrument with with a controller and software he designed himself. He has also desiged a midi-controlled drum kit and he is interested in eventually building a midi-controlled automatic playing orchestra!